Powering up with Resilience

2020 and onwards has been filled with uncertainties, instability and stress. Economy and career instability has brought about fear and distress for many. Other sources of stress and emotional distress include adapting to new changes, taking care of children while working, worrying for the health of self and loved ones and social isolation.

Navigating through this period can be challenging and overwhelming. Many people are struggling and their mental emotional health is under attack. This introductory workshop equips people with the skill of compassion for self, a life skill that serves as a tool to help us support ourselves skilfully such that we become more resilient in face of crisis and challenges.

Benefits Include:

  • Better understanding of self

  • Greater levels of emotional regulation

  • Less stress and anxiety

  • Increase mental and emotional health

  • Increase resilience

Who should apply:

People who would like to cope better and have more power and control over challenges they face.


Course Duration

  • Customisable

  • Virtual Learning or Face-to-Face Learning

Group Enrolment

Attending in groups helps create a successful learning experience and practicing mindfulness with friends or colleagues can help to enrich your course experience. Therefore, we offer discounted course rates for groups of 5 or more.

Commitment to Accessibility

We are committed to offering financial assistance to those who need it. Contact us.